Sensei Carlos Vega from Florida visit Perez Dojo NEW
On October 20th, 2024, Sensei Carlos Vega and his dedicated students visited the So-Kyokushin Canada So-Honbu Dojo for a special kata class. This intensive two-hour session was led by Shihan Hugo Perez, the Branch Chief of Canada. Throughout the class, the primary focus was on kihon (basic techniques) and various kata (formal exercises).
The atmosphere was filled with camaraderie and rigorous training as students honed their skills under Shihan Perez’s expert guidance. This unique collaboration provided an invaluable opportunity for Sensei Vega’s students to deepen their understanding of Kyokushin kata under the esteemed Hanshi Oishi Daigo, President of the World So-Kyokushin, and to strengthen the bond within the Kyokushin community.